My goal is to always optimize nutrient intake and offer healthy advices in simple ways to make you feel better.
Rebalancing systems in our body through healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits promote preventative measures in our health as well as in our overall wellness.
Gut Health (IBS/IBD/Candida/Ulcer GERD &more)

Gut health is becoming more and more important in the nutritional world and in our overall well-being. The importance of balancing our gut healthy bacteria (versus bad bacteria) is crucial to alleviate a lot of common symptoms contributing to certain health conditions such as Irritable bowel syndrome, acute bloating, acid reflux, stomach pain & gas.
Weight and mental clarity could also play an important role in relation to Gut Health. The root of many symptoms could be addressed through a gentle Gut health program to eliminate toxins, pathogens, fungi - helping you feel better!
Liver Health

The liver is a major organ for many reasons. Liver health is important to regulate adrenal fatigue, which contributes to a lot of chronic lingering fatigue, digestion issues, cirrhosis, hormonal imbalance and even cholesterol. A gentle liver detox will help you lose more weight, feel more vitalized (less of the sluggish feeling) and assimilate better nutrients which helps improve your digestion and feel energized!
Wellness healthy tips

Losing or gaining weight could be challenging. Many factors could hinder our weight such as our metabolism, our gut and liver health as well as our hormones. Assessing the best route to reach your goal can be obtained through a simple healthy recipes to keep you motivated.
Hormone Health

The endocrine system (hormones) are important to regulate our metabolic process, sleeping cycle, growth, fertility and more. Symptoms related to PCOS (polycystic ovaries) and even menopause could be alleviated by balancing estrogen, progesterone levels. Hormonal health is also crucial for manageable insulin resistance with healthy lifestyles, exposed to fewer toxins that can bring fruitful overall wellness
Mental clarity & Fatigue

Brain fog (feeling sluggish) is becoming common which can be triggered by few factors, including post-viral infection - such as COVID. Tackling few body systems such as the Gut-brain axis which consists of a bidirectional connection is one of my specialties. Over exhaustion of the adrenal glands could be contributing to fatigue as cortisol levels (the stress hormone correlated to the glucose levels release from the liver) become imbalance. Wellness tips contributing to the HPA axis (neuro/endocrine relation) which are responsible for cortisol production related to mental clarity as well as energy levels.

Systemic inflammation can contribute to some issues like diabetes, Alzheimer, cancer, food sensitivity or even allergies. Eating anti-inflammatory foods rich in whole grains, omega 3's fatty acids, potent antioxidants/polyphenols (that fight-off free-radicals), spices - all contain properties that have many benefits on our health especially if we have constant joint pain, inflammatory bowel diseases, arthritis , skin diseases like psoriasis.